My web favorites of 2008 

Well, it is January 2009 and so I thought I would share some of my personal favorites from the web for 2008.  Here goes:

  1. Twitter – While I actually started using Twitter in early 2007 I really didn’t “get it” until this past summer.  It has now officially taken over as my online “crack” which I need to check in on at least 5 times daily.  Still very much for the techy crowd but I predict that changes in 2009.
  2. Mint – This online personal finance tool is perfect keeping tabs on your money, tracking a budget and seeing all your investments in one place.
  3. Google Reader – This handy tool is perfect for consolidating multiple content sources into a single, easy to manage feed.
  4. FaceBook – Not much needs to be said here.
  5. Hulu – This video streaming site offers high-resolution TV shows and movies.  Their library includes FOX, NBC, Comedy Central, Sony Pictures, Universal Pictures and many more.

While there are plenty of others that deserve honorable mention these five are constants that I have added to my regular online routine.  Be sure to leave a comment and let me know whats on your list.